#1 Authentic Hand-welded, Hand-polished, Authentic Plow Disk Discada Cooking Pan
** Each Disk Includes: Burlap Storage Bag
*Shipping - please see details below regarding shipping - Currently online orders can only be shipped to the lower 48 US states.
Blue Moon Disks offer lots of room to shift food or tortilla's to outside edges & have low concavity! Their dimensions are different than most any available today you may see. Easily handles cooking for the family & friends up to the family reunion, cub scout campout, boy scout campouts, daddy daughter campout, deer camp meal, duck club weekend, dove hunting weekend, tailgate event, GNO (thats right), BNO. Lots more pictures & videos on Facebook and Instagram - appreciate you following friends!
While our Recipe Brochure is being updated, see fast how-to video clips on our Instagram and facebook page. Hope you will click on follow and I will follow you back :)
Why should you buy from Blue Moon Disk Co? Here are some things to know:
- Blue Moon Disk Handles are new horseshoes from our local Farmers Association. They are tumbled, then welded, then polished. This is what I saw being used for handles in Mexico and we are sticking to authentic!
- Our XL 22" disks are a unique size - different than most of the others! - The XL 22 is: 22" diameter x 3" tall x less than a .25" thick. These are thinner and not as tall as other 22" you may see. They weigh about 16 lbs. Thinner gives you a little weight relief, lower sides because this ain't no wok! and still cooks like a champ.
- These are authentic farming disk blades - They are new blades (so that we can offer a consistent size and weight) They are hand-welded and hand-polished in Arkansas by Arkansans.
- They have been hand-polished to remove any oily residue and rough metal spurs. Its common for farming metal parts being manufactured to be coated in a light vegetable-based oil. **Many cooking disks that look like a price bargain on other websites are most likely not hand-polished and may still be coated with a light coating of vegetable-based oil to keep from rusting while being shipped across from Hong Kong. If other web-sites say wash before using, that is a dead give away. (I bet they don't tell you that). Some mention having sharp metal spurs or edges. That's not what I want you to have, so ours are hand-polished to make them as smooth & shiny as we can. This is a dangerous and dirty process but you deserve it!
- Blue Moon Disks are not pre-seasoned, I used to do that but have learned that it's not necessary - pre-seasoning also makes them oily. You're gonna want to love on your Blue Moon Disk when you 1st get it so go ahead and love on it for awhile. When you are done loving on it, lightly coat it in vegetable oil and store in your burlap bag.
- It's not necessary to go through a seasoning period with your disk - when you get it you will want to lightly coat the whole thing with vegetable oil and just start cooking! - they will cook just as good the 1st time as they will after 20 meals. * But remember, Blue Moon Disks are steel and they will rust if you don't keep them lightly oiled. Just oil them before and after each use and its not something to worry about. Store them in the burlap bag in the garage or a closet. Cool Cookware should not be fussy!
- If your best friend borrows the disk and leaves it out in the rain and it gets rusty( I'm not admitting anything here), you won't be the 1st or the last and the rust can be removed or managed. The best way to re-polish/remove rust is with an "angle grinder" that uses a "Flap Disk" pad. You can get one of these for about $10-$20 at Harbor Freight (again not admitting anything here). This is a pretty common tool used by welding shops, metal shops, and old guys that seem to have everything. You can ask them to do it for a small charge, or if you want to tackle its not hard or expensive but be careful
- Your Blue Moon Disk is a quality product! It is going to outlast all of us so purchase from Blue Moon Disk with confidence that we are giving you the best product we can. Let the fun times begin!
- Need more reasons?
- The owner of Blue Moon Disk Co. inspects every disk before its shipped and re-polishes every single one before its shipped.
- Blue Moon Disk Co. has been in business since 2009
* Other sizes are often available and under construction - email me for details.